Which are The Best Folding Goals for Quick Play in the UK – 2020?
ITSA Goal Posts Best Garden Football Goals, FootieGoals, Samba Goals, ForzaGoals, Quickgoals, Bownet Goals?
12×6 Folding Goal Video Demonstration
This quick goal video shows how easy it is to fold the goals ready to store after games
Plastic Fast Start Quick Play Goals
This 12’x’6 FAST START QUICK GOAL above is available from soccertackle.com click here for more details – Best Folding Plastic Mini Soccer Football goals
We also offer an 8’x6′ plastic folding goal click here to view online and a junior size 6’x4′ plastic folding goal – click here.
Aluminium Goals for Quick Play
This full size folding aluminium goal above is available from soccertackle.com click here for more details – Best Folding aluminium Football goals
A registered design – Patented goalpost locking system – Transporter wheel options – Folds and locks flat for safe storage.
For the full range of folding goals available to buy online click here.
This Goalpost Guide includes the Best Folding Football Goals in the UK
- About us – information about the company writing this specialist goalpost product information
- Best Folding Football Goal size in relation to suitable age of player.
- Recommended Folding goalpost size progression for children up to full size adult folding goals
- Product images of recommended folding goals for various age groups
- Which are the best folding football goals to buy and why
- Real Folding Goalpost product reviews
- What are the differences in plastic folding goals and aluminium folding goals
- Goalpost Safety
About us
ITSA Goal Post Limited – uPVC portable Goals, Best Folding Goals for Quick Play, Aluminium Folding Goal, Aluminium socketed and movable goals & Steel SocketedGoalpost Manufacturers – Best Garden Football Goals in the UK. and the Best Folding Goals for Quick Play.
ITSA GOAL was the first goalpost manufacturing company committed to Football goalpost safety and the supply of quality long-lasting competitively priced safe PVC portable football goals. We have been one of the leading goal suppliers for Football Clubs, schools, local authorities, and sports clubs for over three decades. The industry Innovators in the home of football, Sheffield, and still manufactured in the U.K. We have advised and supplied Football goalposts to the FA, the Football Foundation, UEFA, and the world’s governing body FIFA. ITSA Goal Posts Ltd created Mini-Soccer and the very first portable uPVC 12’x6′ mini soccer portable goal for children which has over the years reduced serious injury and fatalities from toppling goalposts. We supply the full range of different types of goals and have the largest range of folding goalposts, including folding plastic quickplay goals, folding aluminium goals from garden goal sizes right up to full adult size 24’x8′ goalposts.
ITSA Goal Posts is at the forefront of goalpost innovation with more registered designs and goalpost related patents than any other goalpost company in the industry. We identify the problems with other goalposts and then solve them. We supply folding aluminium goalposts with lockable side frame, a patented product, and registered design, this design prevents the sides of folding goals swinging in whilst in use or when being stored; our goalpost design is much safer than goals that don’t have sides that stay locked and just fit with a split pin or similar. The Folding Goals also have optional Wheel Transporters, a registered design, which make moving folding goals much easier, safer and this registered design increases the longevity of the product.
Our range of Plastic FAST START QUICK PLAY goals is a popular PVC folding goal for locations that need to quickly store goals after games in small storage containers. The smaller garden folding goals are also popular for easy storage and quick play. These goals can boast 300% stronger corner brackets than other PVC goalpost corner brackets. They also include a proper roof to the net that locks in place and also professional arrow head net fixings that fit to the rear of the posts.
The best folding football goalposts & goalpost accessories, competitive delivery charges and industry-leading customer service. A dedicated family business that can be contacted twenty four hours a day seven days a week. A well-respected brand that has the most detailed five-star goalpost reviews in the industry over thirty years experience and unlike other products all our goalposts follow the latest European standard BS EN 16579:2018 which has superseded BS8462; our regulation goals also follow BS EN748.
“We are committed to goalpost safety and the supply of environmentally friendly, long lasting affordable goalposts.”
Which are the Best Folding Goals for Quick Play?
Most of the goalpost guides online are from paid advertising, large organizations just wanting to sell products, their aim being to sell and not provide a fair representation…so the reviews may be biased and just include the paid advertised goalpost products. This is also why most of the goalpost guides tend to include the same low cost imported plastic goals of similar quality that have flooded the market. This is the same on many products on the website, m it is always best to search a little bit further than the position1 on google search results.
ITSA Goal Posts Ltd goalposts supplied by soccertackle.com manufacture a range of uPVC Goals, aluminium and steel Goalposts that are different from the rest. The innovative goalpost design is different with much stronger corner brackets and specially strengthened internal spigot to lock net support in place. The corner brackets are proven to be 300% stronger. When buying PVC goal make sure the goal post top stanchion net support locks in place. not all plastic goals do.. Always check the guarantee length – Itsagoal posts offer the longest goalpost guarantees of all football goal manufacturers.
Best Plastic Folding Football Goal size in relation to a suitable age of player.
The Best Folding Goals for Quick Play height is relevant to the player’s height. Children are taller these days but when a child becomes an adult hey will only ever play in a full size 24’x8′ regulation size football goal in adult matches, which is size 24′ x 8′ (7.3×2.4m). So with this in mind if the goal is for an outfield player the target ideally should be proportional to 24’x8′ . proportional goals have been shown to aid development, a 12’x6′ folding goal or an 8’x4′ garden goal are proportionally accurate so provide a more realistic goal size for a child to practice in to become accustomed to the full size goal they will eventually play in.
ITSA Goal Posts created the first plastic portable goal in a bag, way back in 1989 which was approved by the FA & FIFA and the goal size created which is now the official size played by all children under the age of 11 in official mini soccer leagues. The goalpost size 12’x6′ (3.6mx1.8) which is proportionally correct for the age range. See the goalpost size chart below.
Make sure your purchase will fit the size of the location, and also the playing surface. We recommend making pitches and goals appropriate to the age range of players. There are standard sizes of football goal based on the FA’s regulations outlined below:
Under-7s-8s football matched should focus on fun and developing ability, so it’s recommended the FA’s regulations on goal size are followed. Children are recommended to be playing 5-a-side matches at this age, which requires a size 3 football and a pitch of 40 yards by 30 yards. You will need to purchase goals that are 12 feet wide and 6 feet high in order to follow the FA rules.
Under-9yrs -10yrs are recommended to be playing 7-a-side matches with mini soccer goals measuring 12 ‘x 6′. However, under-9yrs should be playing with a size 3 ball, and under-10yrs should be using a size 4 football.
When kids reach the under-11 yrs there is a step up in dimensions. Football Pitches should be 80 yards by 50 yards, and goalposts should be 16’x7′. The same dimensions apply to under-12 yrs football
Children normally start playing 11-v11 games at this stage however, they will still play on smaller pitches. A pitch used for under-13yrs and under-14yrs football should be 90 yards by 55 yards, and the goalposts should measure 21’x7’.
Under-15 yrs and under-16 yrs football is played with the same ball used in the professional game, and with goalposts measuring 24’x8′ – the regulation professional standard. The pitch is slightly smaller at 100 yards by 60 yards.
This is the age group at which players make the final transition to full size. The FA states the games should be played on a pitch of 110 yards by 70 yards, within the rules the pitch can reduce the size of the pitch to as low as 90 yards by 50 yards this is to cater for different areas available. Goalposts must be 24’x8′ regardless of the size of the pitch.
Recommended goal size progression – Best Folding Goals for Quick Play
Recommended goals Quick Play and Fast Setup to Buy online
Visit www.soccertackle.com for the best online garden goalposts prices with the longest guarantees included www.soccertackle.com
6×4 Footie Garden Goal Click here to buy online
8×6 Footie Match Garden Goal Click here to buy online
12×6 Footie Garden Goal Click here to buy online
Which are the Best Football goals to buy and why
Only the most durable and highest specification football goal posts are manufactured by ITSA GOAL and supplied at Soccertackle.com. That is why you will not find Far East flimsy football goals, pop up goals, inflatable garden goals and dangerous heavy freestanding steel goals on this site.
The goalposts ITSA GOAL manufacture have the longest warranty because they are better made and stronger and will last longer. See what ITSAGOAL customers say about our football goals. See the goalpost reviews page – click here
As we are footballers ourselves we design products that work and not goal posts that make work. Plastic goals are quick to install (see our Football Goal VIDEOS on our dedicated goalpost youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/Footballgoalpostsster
Whether you are purchasing goals for the garden,or a Football club the ITSA GOAL range is unbeatable and offers the best value. From target goal[posts to stadium goal posts, from mini soccer goals to 9v9 football goals,from fixed position anti vandal lockable steel socketed goals to lightweight folding goals and even portable full size goals to pack away in a bag we have the largest range.
What we will not sell are training poles with dangerous spikes or heavy steel free standing goalposts to junior football clubs as these types of goals have caused fatalities and serious injury to children in the past. This policy allows us put our heads on the pillow at night and sleep soundly knowing we sell safe products. We always put safety above the bottom line. If you ever need unbiased and in-depth advice on football goal posts please contact us at any time.
Football goals are a large investment for any club, so it’s advisable to speak with knowledgeable goalpost specialists who know what they are talking about and not a “Jack of all Sports”. Whether it’s providing expertise to leading clubs, or local grassroots clubs we offer clear information and help. For over three decades we have been at the forefront of sports equipment innovation and have patented and registered goalposts designs. Quality design at an affordable price is one of the reasons we are recognized as one of the country’s most respected goal post Manufacturers.
ITSA GOAL POSTS LTD – The first company in the world to make strong sturdy uPVC high impact goals. When established in 1989 it was thought by the establishment that no one would ever buy a large plastic goal, how wrong can anyone be! The original plastic Goal led to the creation of children’s Mini Soccer. “They say imitation is the best form of flattery” and ITSA GOAL can be proud of the legacy they have laid down and the jobs they have created in a new industry built around kids mini football. Numerous other copies have since emerged but none have bettered or come close to the engineering quality of the original ITSA Goal post products. Don’t take our word for it look at what those that use them say! Football goalposts made from high impact uPVC are the safest and easiest to use around children.
When looking to buy a good plastic football goal the choice is between very basic imported goals or stronger sturdier and better-engineered products like ITSA GOAL posts.”Made in Sheffield”. ITSA plastic goals have been in use without problem now since 1989. Other plastic football goals all have net support stanchions just pushed into holes and not locking in any way to the crossbar or upright posts. The only plastic goal that is truly a fully locking posts are made by ITSA GOAL POSTS LTD. Other plastic goals have substantial dips in the middle of the crossbars which is due to the design and the way the nets are clipped and pulled around the front of the posts. Unique arrowhead net fixings allow nets to be secured neatly behind the goal frame on ITSA goalposts which helps keep crossbars straight. Every other plastic goal relies on nets being clipped under the ground frame which frays and shortens the life of the goal net.
The goals you chose should be a strong design. We recommend checking the goal corner bracket design, ITSA GOAL POSTS and FOOTIE GOALS branded goals include a locking spigot so that the horizontal top net supports properly locks into place, this design is much better than goals with top stanchions that push in with no locking. If you are unsure when buying a goal ask to check the fitting instructions which should be downloadable from the goalposts web site. https://www.itsagoal.net/about-us/plastic-football-goal-fitting-instructions/
The image below shows the larger strong ITSA Goal back net support elbow and compares it to the Striker goal elbow. It clearly shows the net supports are much larger stronger size. The ITSA GOAL has been measured to have a 300% thicker wall than all other competitor’s plastic goalposts.
plastic goal spare parts which plastic goal to choose
Straighter crossbars, longer life nets, arrowhead net fixings,(no time consuming and untidy net clipping around front of posts) less post sections, no creased or broken net supports,much quicker installation, secured net stanchion supports, net fixings to prevent nets fraying on the ground frame, much longer manufacturer’s warranty, competitively priced and better engineering. Football goals for discerning Junior football Cubs and true footballers. Do not be misled by claims that the goals are fully locking when they may not be, do not get fooled by head on shots of football goals that do not show the net supports,(always look to see the side view and if the net is held away at the top as it should be) and do not get fooled by prices inflated then crossed out showing massive savings. And remember Free delivery is not free it is included in the price. One section crossbars on larger goals are well worth the little extra carriage charge…if you choose this type of goal with one section posts and crossbar it will save you hours over the season on match days.
All uPVC goal posts supplied by ITSA GOAL are Match standard and are to the latest safety standards ( they wrote most of the standard). When looking at the cheaper football goals look out for plastic goals with different coloured corners as these are the trade mark signature of low quality Far East goal posts. One of the main differences between other goals and ITSA Goal posts is maintenance costs as some Junior football clubs spend over £200 a year on Spare parts whereas it is very rare for ITSA Goal customers to ever require spare parts at all. That is why ITSA GOAL offer long product guarantees that others cannot match and why professional clubs prefer to use them. If you look at Plastic goal safety section you will see the design problems first hand.
We offer portable plastic goals that pack into bags and also goals that have long single section crossbars which do not pack in bags. The single section crossbars are ideal for clubs that can store the goals on site; they have single upright posts and single section back stanchions therefore are stronger and quicker to assemble with less joining sections.If you have the funds the best plastic goalpost are the ITSA GOAL range however if price is the determining factor then we also have the FOOTIE GOALS range without locking buttons and arrowhead net fixings.
The image of the samba goal also shows the large holes in the corner bracket where the back net support tubes spragg in place, in contrast the ITSAGOAL corner on the left has a separate spigot that is designed to lock in, it is specially strengthened internally and the net support is designed to lock in place over the spigot so the back net supports stay firmly in place.The image also shows the Striker goal elbow. The ITSA GOAL corner bracket has been measured to have a 300% thicker wall than all other competitor’s plastic goalposts.
Aluminium goals are lighter, strong as steel goals, which makes them safer especiaLLY for children. Football goals with a lighter mass are safer and easier to carry and transport. One advantage of aluminium goals without steel net supports is they never rust, unlike steel. Welded Aluminium Goals are normally more expensive than steel goals but they last longer, are safer, easier to use and easier to maintain and move around. You can buy aluminium goals with steel folding and fixed sides but these are a little heavier than those made fully in aluminium as ITSA GOAL folding and freestanding aluminium goals are.
Steel football goalposts are better for open un supervised areas prone to vandalism. The best type of steel fixed position football goals are the lockable ITSA GOAL anti-vandal, anti theft type of goal posts; this is an ITSA GOAL patented product. Steel goals are normally slotted into the ground. We have never offered or provided steel freestanding movable goals because they are potentially very dangerous so we strongly advise agaionst them. We were the first in the industry to encourage clubs to stop using these types of goals and adopt Lighter safer alternatives in aluminium. See the ITSA GOAL Flat pack aluminium goals for a competitive safer goalpost alternative. (see flat pack goals) https://www.itsagoal.net/all-products/football-goal-posts/metal-football-goals/
Some aluminium and plastic goals can be dismantled after each game and packed into bags. Ideal when you move pitches and dont have storage at clubs. One advantage being the removal from site after each game alleviates the wear and tear in penalty areas, and in back gardens. From a safety point of view, as these goal posts are taken away after the game,no accidents or vandalism can happen so these goalposts provide total accountability. Unique goalpost anchors that require no digging firmly secure the goals in place. ITSA GOAL portable goals are the number one choice of all the leading football tournaments. Full size portable aluminum goals that pack in a bag – click here
ITSA GOAL Patented lockable hinged sided goals are available that provide additional and security as they lock with a key flat after games.These goals can be setup quicker than other similar goals and as the fully welded aluminium(not steel)side frames are locked when in play and when stored they guarantee not to swing in and act like a guillotine (be aware of these other makes of goals). see the folding goal video click here
We offer portable aluminium goals that pack into bags for use on grass,freestanding movable goals and permanently sited goalposts that slide into sockets in the ground. We also offer the same range in a larger Elliptical aluminium extrusion for stadium and adult football. Aluminium fixed position goals are ideal when the football pitch is in the same position yet posts need to be removed after each game.
We only supply steel goalposts that are located in ground sockets that are concreted in position. Patented anti vandal lockable goals are available as are old technology nuts & bolt products. Do not be confused with other manufacturers claims of supplying lockable goalposts. The difference is that other lockable goals are not really lockable the description may be slightly miss leading as the goalposts only have uprights locked into sockets which can be removed very easily as the crossbar is still only bolted on to the upright which means a simple spanner can be used by anyone to completely dismantle or steal the posts for scrap.Some manufacturers have added padlock cleats to the foot of the upright posts however these may seriously damage grass cutting equipment in the close season when the posts are taken out. Anti-vandal theft goals have uprights that twist & lock into the sockets and crossbars are located to the upright and locked which gives total accountability to the key holder.These although a little more expensive than nut & bolt products are fast being introduced on local village grounds and in local authority recreation grounds when old style goalposts are being up dated and replaced.They also offer secure locking socket plugs for the close season.
ITSA GOAL patented Anti vandal steel fixed position goals are the only fully locking goalposts available that can not be vandalised or stolen.They are ideal for local authorities because the goal has identical laser cut uprights and any post will fit into any socket and any crossbar can be locked onto any upright. When multiple pitches are stored together it is much easier to assemble the goals each season with identical uprights that fit any crossbar. These goals alleviate the need for councils to make sure the same uprights go in the same socket at the same side of the pitch and in the right side of the goal on every set of posts. We also offer 76 mm/ 60 mm nut and bolt (old technology) steel goals at a lower cost but if you can afford the little extra you will save time and money every year when you have to remove them and then reinstate at the start of the season.
ITSA GOAL POSTS manufacture football goalposts for all age groups:
Full Size – 24 x 8′ (7.3m x 2.4m).
Youth goals – 21′ x 7′ (6.4m x 2.1m)
Smaller youth goals are 16′ x 7′ (4.8m x 2.1m) – 9v9 football.
Adult training goals 16 ‘x 4′ (4.8m x 1.2m)
Junior five-a-side 12′ x 4’ (3.6m x1.2m) popular used in sports centres across 3G pitches
Mini Soccer Goals 12 ‘x 6′ (3.6m x 1.8m) – 7v7 games
Futsal goals 10′ x 6’6″(3m x 2m)
Junior Goas 8′ x 6′ (2.4m x1.8m) – 6′ x 4’ (1.8mx1.2m)
For help & advice telephone the office on 01142424244 or our technical directors mobile at any time 07974745768.
Football Goalpost Product Reviews
FOLDING ALUMINIUM GOALPOSTS I would just like to say how pleased we are with the lockable fold-in Mini-Soccer goals we recently purchased. We have fastened the netting permanently onto to frame because they can be easily stored and carried with the netting fixed. Once carried to the pitch the goalposts can be erected and secured to the ground within 60 seconds which is absolutely fantastic. As well as being easy to erect they are also the best and most professional looking goals in the league. Every team that comes to play us comments on the football goals. We have tried several types of goals over the years. Plastic, fully erected aluminum, solid D-side bracket types and these are by far the best we have ever had. Well done to its-a-goal for a fantastic, innovative design.
We purchased five sets of aluminum goals from Itsagoal and are really pleased with their performance. Safety was our main concern and ease of use a close second and after a lot of research and advice we were introduced to Itsagoal and have not regretted the decision. Each time our teams play now we get admiring glances from the opposition teams and many have commented on how professional they look.They are robustly constructed and yet still light weight and satisfy a higher level of safety than the usual statutory requirements and when we are responsible for up to 500 children we can not compromise on safety. I feel sure that they will last for many years because they have been crafted so well in the beginning and we would recommend any other club to use the same.
The differences in Plastic goals, steel goals and aluminium goals
uPVC Goals: TheITSA GOAL range of Best Garden Football Goals are made from high impact uPVC which makes them strong yet lightweight and portable- and safe! They are totally weatherproof and will years. They are lightweight and safe particularly for the very young.
Steel Goals: We don’t recommend steel goals for children. Freestanding steel goals are heavy and dangerous when the anchors not be used properly. The only exception is socketed steel lockable anti- theft goals that are patented and only available from itsagoal.net
Aluminium Goals: The advantage of weighing less enables freestanding goalposts to be moved easily. Aluminium goals are more expensive but will never rust so offer less maintenance. The goals have a proper rebound and you will not get a crossbar dip seen on the larger plastic goals. ITSA GOAL is an FA suitable football goal supplier and our aluminium goal range has passed strict independent BS safety standards tests.
Don not be fooled by companies using sandbags or water weights on freestanding goals – a litre of water weighs approximately 1 Kilo, therefore weights along a full size goalpost can only weigh around 8 kilos which is not sufficient in line with the goalpost safety standards BS8462. The current advice is 112 kilos for full size freestanding goals to prevent toppling. Please note law one if the game requires elliptical goals to have the longest length of the oval post to across the goal line and not along it. some companies are still selling goals that do not conform to this basic rule. We advise checking this as the current standards state that goals must conform to the laws of the game . contact john@itsagoal.net for any technical queries.
BUY FROM AN ESTABLISHED football goalposts manufacturer in the UK – telephone office on 01142424244 –
Goalpost Safety
Make sure your goalposts for quick play, the garden or your local club are made in accordance with the latest standard BS EN 16579:2018 and not older obsolete standards.
iITSA GOAL POSTS are leaders in goalpost safety and innovation. The BS 8462 goalpost standard was withdrawn in 2016 and is no longer applicable. Our campaigning with the help of Mark Pover of the Football Association ensured lighter safer freestanding goals would be added into the BS EN 16579:2018 standard. Without our input and campaigning only heavy freestanding goals would have been included in the 2018 standard omitting safer lighter products.
For more in-depth information about goalpost safety please click here.
Additional Value for Money Goalposts Recommended for Fast Setup
12×6 Footie Garden Goal
300% Stronger Goal corners brackets
The only plastic football goal with net supports secured to the goal frame
Quality long-lasting white goal net.
Made to the latest goalpost safety standards BS EN 16579:2018.
Best Goal price £93.99
12 x 6 Footie match Goal
Strengthened Polypropylene Goalpost corners with Strengthened Spigots
The only plastic football goal with net supports secured to the goal frame
Quality long-lasting white goal net.
Fully guaranteed
Made to the latest goalpost safety standards BS EN 16579:2018.
Best Goal price £113.99
12×6 ITSA GOAL upvc Goal
The original uPVC Goal
Strengthened Goalpost corners
The only plastic football goal with net supports secured to the goal frame.
Quality long-lasting white goal net with Arrow hooks so the nets can be removed easier after games, ideal for clubs
Straight one section crossbars
Three Years unmatched guaranteed
Made to the latest goalpost safety standards BS EN 16579:2018.
Best Goal price £183.66
16 x 7 Match Youth Goal
Strengthened Goalpost corners
The only plastic football goal with net supports secured to the goal frame
Quality long-lasting white goal net.
Fully guaranteed
Made to the latest goalpost safety standards BS EN 16579:2018.
Best Goal price £206.69
Best Folding Goals for Quick Play
www.soccertackle.com for the best online garden goalposts prices
BUY A GOAL BUILT TO LAST – The Best Garden Football Goals
telephone office on 01142424244
Any product that has been copied can only ever by second best !
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Visit the youtube website dedicated to football goal posts,
football goals for the garden,
goalpost assembly and helpful goalpost videos.
Visit the Flickr website for more goalpost images
football goals for the garden fitting instructions
All the garden goals fitting Instruction can be viewed – click here
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